Actress, author and acting teacher. She has graduated in Philosophy in Pisa and she studied acting, dramaturgy and direction with Enrico Bonavera, Giovanni Fusetti, Massimiliano Civica, Sacchi di Sabbia company , Teatro del Carretto company , Familie Floz company , Fausto Paravidino, Letizia Russo, Ugo Chiti, Danio Manfredini, Babilonia Teatri company , Carrozzeria Orfeo company. She also studied pedagogial tecniques and took the SETE Master for Education theatre.
In 2009, together with Luca Barsottelli and Mirtilla Pedrini, she founded La Bottega del Teatro and since that moment she has been attending several acting classes and workshops for children, youngs and adultes. As a dramaturg, she has written Il figlio, an act play that won the competition of Centro di Drammaturgia Permanente in Rome.
As an actress, she cooperates with Sacchi di Sabbia company: she works in Pop Up, a show for 3-6 aged children, that has been played all over Italy and Europe.
Acting teacher and actress. She graduated in Literature in Pisa and she studied pedagogical teniques at SETE school in Ancona, where she took two masters.
In 2009, together with Luca Barsottelli and Serena Guardone, founded La Bottega del Teatro and since that moment she has been attending to several classes and workshops for childern, youngns and adultes.
Actor, director and author. He graduated in Philosophy in Pisa and in acting at the International School of Pontedera. He studied pedagogical tecniques at “Prima del Teatro” in Pisa and took the SETE Master in Educational theatre.
In 2009, together with Mirtilla Pderini and Serena Guardone, he founded La Bottega del Teatro adns since that moment he has been attending to several classes and workshops for childern, youngs and adultes.
Acting teacher. She graduated in Literature. She studied acting in workshops with Alessandro Benvenuti, Valerio Binasco, Maurizio Donadoni. She studied pedagogical tecniques at Prima del Teatro in Pisa.
Since 2013 she is studying acting at La Bottega del Teatro and since 2014 she isdoing internship with Luca Barsottelli, Mirtilla Pedrini and Serena Guardone.
Since 2016 she is attending to some classes and workshops on her own.