In 2014, thanks to the city of Forte dei Marmi and Istituto Comprensivo di Forte dei Marmi, La Bottega del Teatro has given birth to Invasioni, the first festival of contemporary theatre in Versilia.
Invasioni lasts from Genuary to May and it consists of one show a mounth. It takes place in Forte dei Marmi, inside the Ugo Guidi School’s Auditorium.
The world invades the province. The theatre invades the school. These are our ideas.
Nowadays it’s hard to live in Italy and a lot of youngs are growing up with the dream of escaping from our country: we would like to invert this tendence and say “don’t escape, stay here, change what doesn’t work”.
Over time, we met several artists and companies coming from all over Italy and the world: we want to share our experiences and bring them into the place we were born. Therefore Invasioni takes place into a school: because for us, theatre is an educational expereince for citizens.
The shows we choose must have two main characteristics: one, thay must have new languages, new points of view on theatre and realiy; two, they must have some contacts with contingency in wich we live.
We believe in a profound link between theatre and citizens and we would like to create a festival in wich theatre and civil growth go together. To let the possibilities to the whole family to come at the shows, La Bottega del Teatro organizes nursery-workshops for children.
12 Gennaio 2016 / Fabrizio Saccomanno GRAMSCI – Antonio detto Nino
11 febbraio 2016 / Carrozzeria Orfeo THANKS FOR VASELINA
23 Marzo 2016 / Beatrice Baruffini W – prova di resistenza
22 Aprile 2016 / Teatro Sotterraneo HOMO RIDENS
Fabrizio Saccomanno IANCU-un paese vuol dire
Babilonia Teatri PINOCCHIO